Aletoss+ Syrup 125 ML

Lekë 1,200.00
Aletos syrup for dry cough, with secretions and allergic cough.

125 ml

Aletoss + syrup is used in all age groups, for the treatment of dry cough or with secretions.

Main ingredients:

  1. N-Acetylcysteine with mucolytic action, helps in the easy secretion of secretions.
  2. Drosera (Flowering) with anti-inflammatory and soothing action for cough.
  3. Thymus [thymus vulgaris] with expectorant and antiseptic action for respiratory tract infections.
  4. Zinc with antioxidant and immune system strengthening properties. Reinforces protective cells that destroy viruses and bacteria that cause infections.
  5. Ribens Nero (black currant) with antihistamine, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant action.

The recommended dose:

  • Children under 10 kg of weight: 2.5 ml, 3 times a day.
  • Children over 10 kg weight: 5 ml, 3 times a day.
  • Adults: 2 times a day by 10 ml.

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