Alta Natura Olio Capezzoli 30 GR

Lekë 2,000.00
Useful oil in pregnancy and breastfeeding for dehydrated and sensitive nipples.

30 gram

Alta Natura Olio Capezzoli is an oil that prepares the nipple for pre and post breastfeeding.

  • It is a valid remedy to defend the nipples from mechanical trauma and support tissue regeneration.
  • Formulated without allergens, it is based on organic food ingredients that the newborn can ingest because they have no contraindications.

Wash your hands thoroughly before use.
In pregnancy: from the 32nd week of gestation apply a small amount of oil on the nipple every day and massage. 

While breastfeeding: apply a small amount of product massaging circularly, as needed. It is not necessary to clean the treated area as the product is safe for the newborn if ingested.

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