ATC Çaj Boronice * 430 G
Lekë 3,250.00
Cranberry tea.
430 g
Cranberry fruits (or cherry fruits) are rich in tannin, malic, citric and benzoic acids as well as vitamins A, C and P. Cranberry fruits and their tea help in the treatment of blood circulation disorders in capillaries, especially in retinal hemorrhages.
In addition to the values it has as a daily tea, blueberry helps with infections of the oral cavity and the throat. It also helps against abdominal distension, against hemorrhoids, against gastric ulcer and varicose veins.
Wild bilberry is also known as a tool that significantly fights diabetes.
- The seeds can be chewed or taken in tea form.
- The tea is prepared by immersing in a container (the size of two cups of tea) with lukewarm water one to two spoons of cranberry fruit and letting them steep for ten minutes. Then the pot is put on fire until it boils.
- The resulting juice is drunk as a tea and the remaining fruits can be eaten.