Brushworks Rejuvenating Satin Hair Turban and Scrunchie Set

Brushworks Rejuvenating Satin Hair Turban and Scrunchie Set

Lekë 2,100.00
Brushworks Rejuvenating Satin Hair Turban and Scrunchie Set


Give your hair the kindness it deserves with this combination of haircare essentials. 

Featuring an ultra-silky satin turban to reduce breakage and promote healthy hair when sleeping, or to lock in moisture when using your favourite hair mask! Paired with the satin scrunchies to ensure minimal damage when tying up your hair. This is the ultimate set to upgrade your hair routine and maintain the health of your luscious locks.

 Brushworks Rejuvenating Satin Hair Turban and Scrunchie Set offers the perfect blend of convenience and elegance, ensuring your hair remains healthy and well-styled. 

The ultra-silky satin turban aims to reduce breakage and promote healthy hair when sleeping, or lock in moisture when using your favourite hair mask. Paired with the three satin scrunchies that effortlessly glide over your hair, minimising friction and eliminating the risk of breakage or tangles. Together, this set elevates your hair care routine and indulgence.

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