Buona BB Milk AR *400 G

Buona BB Milk AR *400 G

Lekë 2,240.00
A special medical infant milk formula, recommended in cases of gastroesophageal reflux disease.

Qumësht i pasterizuar, DHA, Vitaminë A, Vitaminë C, Vitaminë D, Vitaminë E.

400 g

Buona BB Milk AR is a special medical formula, particularly recommended for the treatment of diagnosed gastroesophageal disease and suitable from birth.

  • The special anti-reflux formula is obtained by the addition of carob seeds, a natural thickener which increases the formula’s viscosity; a teat with a larger feed hole should be used.
  • The formula is enriched with:Nucleotides, LipocalTM(an innovative form of calcium), Lipofer® (an innovative form of iron).
  • Free from palm oil
  • Produced in Italy
  • Packaged in a protective atmosphere

  • Before preparation wash and dry your hands thoroughly and sterilize bottles, teat and ring
  • boil the required amount of water and pour it into the bottle at a temperature of 70 °C
  • fill the measuring cup with levelled and not pressed product
  • add the prescribed number of level measuring cups to the bottle;
  • close the bottle and shake it to dissolve the powder;
  • before giving it to the infant, check the temperature on the back of the hand; the temperature of the milk must not exceed 37 ° C. After use, wash and dry the measuring cup thoroughly.

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