Calenduvis Gocce Oculari 15 ML
Ekstrakte të Marigold (Bima Calendula Oficinalis).
15 ml
Main indication: Hydration, refreshment and relief of irritated eyes.
Other indications: Dry eyes / Red eyes (due to prolonged contact lenses wearing time) / Sore eyes (caused by intense reading or computer use) /
Eye discomfort (due to closed, smoky or air conditioned environments foreign body sensation from excessive exposure to sunlight, wind, dust).
- Works in seconds
- For users with and without contact lenses
- Compatible with all types of contact lenses
- Handy size for travelling (keeping in handbag/pocket)
- Hydrating the eye and its surroundings (with all the recognized benefits of the Blueberry extract)
- No burning issues (PH 7,2 is the closest to the natural eye one)
- No Side Effects
- The Marigold extract is recognized for its anti-inflammatory properties
- 200 applications possible
- Sterile Medical Device
- Usable for 3 months after being opened
- Respects major international certifications (following continuous accuracy and quality controls carried out by experts and independent bodies)
- User friendly device with easy to open cap (no effort required or external supplies as pliers etc)
- Suitable for children (from 3 years old)
Does not contain Benzalkonium chloride, Chlorexidine, Thimerosal.
The recommended dose is 3 times a day from 2 drops in each eye.