Curasept ads220 clorexidina-digluconate colutor fl*200 ml

Curasept ADS 220 Clorexidina * 200 ML

Lekë 1,180.00
Soothing treatment mouthwash, that counteracts the development of bacteria.

Klorheksidinë 0.2%, Klorbutanol 0.5%, Sistemi ADS.

200 ML

It is particularly indicated when, in addition to a rapid anti-plaque action, it is necessary to associate a reduction in the irritative symptoms of the oral and gingival mucosa, also a consequence of orthodontic treatments (dental extractions, lesions caused by dental prosthesis etc).
  • Rinse your mouth for at least 1 minute using a tablespoon of undiluted product (10 ml), preferably after normal oral hygiene.
  • It is advisable to avoid taking food or drink, or rinsing the mouth for at least half an hour after rinsing the product.
  • Continue the application for about 15 days and, if it is necessary to extend the treatment, consult your dentist.