Doppel Herz System Kollagen Beauty * 30

Doppel Herz System Kollagen Beauty * 30

Lekë 10,020.00
Collagen based liquid nutritional supplement.

Peptide Kolagjeni, Vitaminë A, Zink, Biotinë.

30 flakone

Doppel Herz System Kollagen Beauty contains Collagen Peptides as well as selected vitamins and trace elements and tastes pleasantly fruity. The connective tissue under the upper layer of the skin in young people consists of 80 percent collagen. But at the age of 25, the body's own production declines. In addition, external factors such as UV radiation from the sun and bad lifestyle habits (nicotine, alcohol, fast food) accelerate the collagen decline. The consequences of collagen breakdown are already visible from the age of 30: The skin tension slowly decreases and the first wrinkles appear.

Doppelherz System Kollagen Beauty contains:

  • Vitamin A, Zinc and Biotin help to preserve normal skin at.
  • Copper contributes to the maintenance of normal connective tissue and normal skin pigmentation.
  • Manganese supports the normal formation of connective tissue .
  • Vitamin B2, Vitamin E and Zinc afford a contribution cells to protect against oxidative stress.
  • Niacin plays a role in the energy metabolism.
  • Acai Extract with great anti-aging effects.

  • Consume the contents of a drinking bottle once a day. 
  • Shake well before consumption.
  • The recommended daily dose should not be exceeded.
  • Keep out of the reach of small children.
  • Not suitable for children under 12 years of age.