Esi Aloe Vera Gel Vitamina E Tea Tree Oil

Lekë 1,100.00
Aloe Vera based gel with soothing and calming effect.

100 ml, 200 ml

Esi Aloe Vera Gel Vitamina E Tea Tree Oil comes from pure Aloe Vera Barbandesis juice grown without pesticides.

Moisturizes, softens and helps regenerate dry and damaged skin, while thanks to the Polysaccharides it contains, it facilitates the stability of the skin's hydrolipid layer, maintaining its elasticity.

The soothing properties of Aloe Vera make the product useful in cases of skin irritations, sunburn and other mild burns.

It also contains Vitamin E which has a strong antioxidant effect and protects the skin's lipid layer from oxidation by fighting dryness.

Tea Tree Oil is an essential oil derived from the distillation of the leaves of Melaleuca Alternifolia which is a plant known for its antimicrobial properties.

Suitable for all skin types, non-oily, absorbed quickly.
Dermatologically and microbiologically tested.

Apply a thin layer on the affected area of the skin several times a day, by gently massaging until fully absorbed.