Eugenol * 5 ML
Lekë 153.00
Dental product with analgesic, antiseptic and anesthetic effect.
5 ml
Eugenol has analgesic, antiseptic action and produces local anesthesia.
- The bacteriostatic action of eugenol is against Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Candida albicans. Eugenol is used in dentistry, often mixed with zinc oxide. It produces local anesthesia.
- It is used as a herb for relieving toothaches (a dyed cotton is placed inside the decayed tooth cavity), in temporary dental fillings with zinc oxide and as an ingredient in oral hygiene preparations.
- It can also be used as a flavoring. Clove essence has anti-helminthic properties.
Always use Eugenol on the advice of doctor or pharmacist. If you're not sure, contact your doctor or pharmacist.
If you feel that the effects of Eugenol are very strong or very weak, talk to your doctor or your pharmacist.
- Your dentist will tell you about your Eugenol dose that you should use and when to use it. it's important to follow the dentist's instructions your meticulously and do not change it never dose yourself, no matter how you feel.
- Ask your dentist or pharmacist if you are unsure of the dose to use and time of use.