Frezyderm Sunscreen SPF 50+ Invisible Spray * 200 ML

Frezyderm Sunscreen SPF 50+ Invisible Spray * 200 ML

Lekë 2,500.00
Invisible body spray with protective effect against UVA/UVB rays.

200 ml

Frezyderm Sunscreen SPF 50+ Invisible Spray provides high sun protection and contains photostable filters, protects skin stem cells from UVB rays, reduces stratum corneum irritation caused by sun exposure and provides antioxidant protection. Repairs collagen damage caused by UVA rays (photoplaque) and has anti-inflammatory properties.

Suitable for:

  • Light sensitive skin;
  • Skin with scars and warts;
  • Prevents photo aging;
  • Protects against skin discoloration and blemishes;
  • After chemical peels, or lasers;
  • People seeking high protection for medical reasons (melanoma history);
  • While taking medications (contraceptives, hormones).

  • Apply to dry skin 20-30 minutes before sun exposure, making sure to apply to all exposed skin surfaces such as the soles of the feet and the area behind the knees. 
  • Apply plenty of sunscreen. 2tbsp are needed for an adult's body. 
  • Reset every 2 hours and immediately after swimming or wiping with a dry towel.