Lycia Zen Infusion Pump Spray *75 ML

Lycia Zen Infusion Pump Spray *75 ML

Lekë 350.00
Spray deodorant containing 0% aluminum salts.

Alkol i Denatyruar., Ujë, Citrate Trietil, Ppg-15 Eter Stearil, Glukol Dipropilen, Parfum, Glicerinë, Acetat Tokoferil, Ekstrakt i Camellia Sinensis, Ujë i Frutave Cucumis Sátvmus.

75 ml

Lycia Zen Infusion Pump Spray is a spray deodorant containing 0% aluminum salts. 

  • The deodorant has a cucumber aroma and green tea. Its formula respects the normal pH of sweat and leaves no yellow marks or stains on light-colored clothes. 
  • Also its natural antibacterial complex guarantees protection for 48 hours.

Apply the product whenever necessary.