Prostamax * 30

Prostamax * 30

Lekë 1,500.00
Nutritional supplement that helps the normal function of prostate gland.

Ekstrakte të Bimës Saw Palmetto, Ekstrakte të Shelgut Hoary, Ekstrakte Hithre, Selenium.

30 kapsula

Prostamax is a nutritional supplement based on plant extracts and vitamins that help the normal function of prostate gland.

  • Saw Palmetto extract, Stinging Nettle extract and Hoary Willowherb extract help the well-being of prostate gland.
  • Selenium contributes to normal spermatogenesis.

The first 10 days take 1 capsule, twice a day.

After the 10th day take 1 capsule per day.

  • It is advisable to be used in men over 18 years old.
  • Do not exceed the recommended daily dosage.

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