Solgar Vegan Digestive Enzymes *50
Lekë 2,239.00
Nutritional supplement that supports the digestive system.
Lipazë, Amilazë, Proteazë, Amiloglukozidazë,Celulozë.
50 tableta
The digestive process is a complex system in which the body breaks down the food we eat into nutrients using digestive enzymes, which are produced in the pancreas and small intestine.
- If we do not have enough digestive enzymes, our body can not completely break down our food and even though we eat a healthy and balanced diet, nutrients are not absorbed efficiently.
- Food allergies, low stomach acid and chronic stress also affect the production of digestive enzymes. If you think you need extra support for digestion after eating, using Solgar Vegan Digestive Digestive Enzymes tablets can help.
- This specialized formula includes enzymes that do not contain any animal derivatives including lipase, amylase, protease, amyloglucosidase and cellulose.
- Each of which targets different food groups to give a holistic approach to digestion from food to nutrients.
The recommended dose is 1 to 3 tablets per day.