Sudocrem Antiseptic Healing Cream

Lekë 500.00
Antiseptic healing cream for children since birth.

60 g, 125 g, 250 g, 400 g

Sudocrem Antiseptic Healing Cream has been parent’s simple, effective ally for 90 years and is great for soothing and treating nappy rash symptoms.

  • Suitable for: Nappy Rash, Acne, Eczema, Cuts and Grazes, Sunburn, Minor Burns and Chilblains.
  • Soothes sore skin and protects against irritants.
  • A water-repellent base forms a protective barrier, helping to stop any irritants from coming into contact with the skin.
  • Contains a mild local anaesthetic to help ease pain and irritation.
Active Ingredients:

  1. Zinc Oxide, which helps to reduce the loss of fluid from the skin
  2. Anhydrous hypoallergenic Lanolin, an emollient which soothes and softens skin
  3. Benzyl Alcohol, which has local anaesthetic and antiseptic properties that help to reduce discomfort

To help treat nappy rash with Sudocrem Antiseptic Healing Cream:

  1. Ensure your baby’s bottom is clean and dry.
  2. With clean and dry hands, place a small amount of Sudocrem on the tip of your finger. Remember, a little goes a long way.
  3. Gently massage the cream into the skin using light, circular movements. Try to avoid rubbing, especially if the skin looks sore.
  4. Try to create a thin, translucent film on the skin. If white cream is still visible then you may have used too much (don’t worry, your baby will be fine, just remember to use a little less next time).

  5. Repeat these steps until the rash has cleared. Then apply Sudocrem Care & Protect at every change to help prevent nappy rash.

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