Supradyn Multivitamin * 15

Supradyn Multivitamin * 15

Lekë 1,290.00
Dietary supplement based on vitamins and minerals to make for immune activity.

15 tableta eferveshente

Supradyn is a multi-mineral and multivitamin tablet that provides the required amount of minerals and vitamins to the body. It helps compensate for the absence of minerals and vitamins which are not present in the food items being consumed.

Supradyn is a multi-purpose drug and hence can be used for various conditions including but not limited to vitamin and mineral deficiency. 

Here is a list of conditions in which the medicine is prescribed:

  • Skin diseases: Few skin conditions occur due to deficiency of the vitamin. Use of this medicine helps compensate for the deficiency, thereby preventing and treating the skin condition.
  • Anemia: One of the reasons for anemia is lack of certain vitamins. It helps replenish the deficient vitamins thereby aiding in the treatment of anemia.
  • Immunity booster: It contains multiple vitamins and minerals thus it helps improve the immunological defense of the body. It works as an immunity booster.
  • Infections: It helps the body to fight infections and lowers the level of infections.
  • Hair strength: It provides strength to hair follicles. It also helps in the prevention and treatment of hair turning brittle and graying of hair. The supplement also provides strength to nails.

1 tablet per day dissolved in a glass of water, after meals.

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