Tiroid Formula *30

Tiroid Formula *30

Lekë 2,035.00
Nutritional supplement that helps the well-being of thyroid gland.

L-Tirozinë, Vitaminë E, Selenium, Jod.

30 kapsula

Tiroid Formula is a nutritional supplement that helps on the well-being of thyroid gland, because of the 4 ingredients:

  • L-Tyrosine aminoacid has an impact on the thyroid hormones formation. It also improves mood, concentration and reduces anxiety and fatigue.
  • Vitamin E is a liposolubile vitamin with antioxidant effects and also helps cells' renewal.
  • Selenium is an important mineral that strengthens the immune system.
  • Iodine is one of the 22 important oligoelements that can not be produced by the body. So it is important to be taken from the food or as a supplement. It has a role on managing overactive thyroid gland,  neurodevelopment during pregnancy and the maintenace of the organism.

It is advised to take 1 capsule per day.

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