Tu Bruxi Bite Notturno Antibruxismo

Lekë 5,430.00
Anti-grinding retainer.


Tu Bruxi Bite Notturno Antibruxismo is a mask, similar to the mouthguard worn by boxers, which is worn above all at night, capable of creating a protective barrier between the two arches of the teeth.

  • It has an anatomical shape to ensure maximum comfort. It protects the teeth and relaxes the muscles.
  • It is self-modelling; in one minute it adapts to the shape of the teeth. It can be re-adapted several times.

Bruxism is a parafunction and is considered one of the main dental diseases; it is caused by stress, nervous tension and hyperactivity. The most visible damage of bruxism is the progressive wear of the teeth with possible fractures, up to compromising the gingival tissues, but above all those who suffer from it can experience serious problems such as:
  • dental hypersensitivity to cold and heat
  • dizziness and headaches
  • chronic pain in the jaw joint
  • cervical pain

How to use:

  1. Hold the "VDC System" adapter device with a downward inclination and insert it into the Bite starting from one of the two lateral holes. Once the first pin has been inserted, energetically widen the arc to make the three pins penetrate the three front housings. Finish by inserting the last side pin.
  2. Before proceeding with the customization, try to insert the Bite in the mouth, to become familiar with the subsequent manoeuvres.
  3. Holding the "VDC System" device, completely immerse the Bite in boiling water for 6 seconds.
  4. Extracted from the water, shake it vigorously to eliminate the residual water.
  5. Insert the Bite in the mouth by closing the teeth without squeezing too much. With lips tightly closed, suck all the air in for a few seconds in order to facilitate the adhesion of the Bite on the surfaces of the teeth. 6. After about a minute, remove the Bite from the mouth and immerse it under a jet of cold water for at least 2 minutes. At this point remove the customization device and your Bite is ready to be used.