Urimil Plus * 30

Urimil Plus * 30

Lekë 1,700.00
Nutritional supplement for the well-being of peripheral nervous system.

Uridinë Monofosfat, Kompleks Vitaminash B, Magnez.

30 kapsula

Urimil Plus is a nutritional supplement that inhibits neuropathic pain. It acts on peripheral nervous system.

It contains:

  • Monophosphate Uridine: stimulates myelin production, neuroprotective action, helps on neuromuscular regeneration.
  • Vitamin B Complex: stimulates myelin production and the regeneration of nervous cells.
  • Magnesium: helps on the reduction of neuropathic pain and the improvement mobility in patients with chronic pain.

Take 1 capsule per day.

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