Vitabiotics Osteocare Liquid *200ML

Vitabiotics Osteocare Liquid *200ML

Lekë 1,400.00
Nutritional supplement that is indicated for the well-being of the musculoskeletal system.

200 ml

Osteocare Liquid has been formulated based on the latest studies and offers a rich source of Calcium and co-factors in the form of a pleasantly flavored liquid. 

  • The formula also provides vitamin D which helps the normal absorption of calcium by the body.
  • Osteocare contains the most suitable form of Vitamin 3 that D3.
  • Vitamin D3, known as cholecalciferol, is a form of vitamin D produced by the skin during sun exposure. D3 is preferred over other forms of Vitamin D as it is the specific form produced by the human body itself and thus more effective than D2 found in many other supplements.
Calcium plus co-factors
  • Osteocare Liquid carefully combines calcium with co-factors including vitamin D, zinc and magnesium. They all help keep the bone normal.
  • It is very important that men and women of all ages take care to get enough vitamin D.
  • Studies show that good practices from an early age, both in terms of calcium and trace elements, contribute to bone development, health and mineralization.
Calcium is vital for older women:
Both sexes lose bone mass over the years but after menopause women usually lose bone mass much faster than men.

Postmenopausal women are at greater risk of losing bone mass for 3 main reasons:
  • The bone mineral content is lower in females than in males
  • The dose of calcium taken from the diet usually decreases with age
  • The rate of bone density loss increases with menopause.
Having trouble swallowing tablets?
  • This liquid form is ideal for those who have difficulty swallowing tablets. Ease of consumption and pleasant taste makes this form suitable for all ages and especially for children.
No fats or milk by-products
  • Osteocare Liquid does not contain dairy by-products or fats.
  • It is ideal for those who consume soy milk and want to add calcium and magnesium to their diet.
  • Osteocare Liquid is also suitable for vegetarians.

Recommended dose for:
Adults - Two teaspoons twice a day.
Children (3-12 years old) - Two teaspoons 1-2 times a day.

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