Vitabiotics Wellkid Soft Jelly 4-12 Years * 30

Lekë 1,500.00
Multivitamins and minerals soft jelly pastilles for kids 4-12 years old.

Vitaminë D, Vitaminë C, Vitaminë E, Kompleks Vitaminash B, Vaj i Farave të Lirit.

30 tableta xhelatinoze të përtypshme

Vitabiotics Wellkid Soft Jelly 4-12 Years provide a great tasting flavoured formula with vitamins, to help safeguard the nutritional intake of children aged 4-12 years.

It provides:

  • Vitamin A, which is essential for improving immunity and provide resistance to infections. They also reduce the chance of communicable disease.
  • Vitamin D helps in calcium metabolism and proper bone formation.
  • Vitamin B Complex helps in metabolism and boosts immunity. It is also helpful in the formation of haemoglobin formation and increases intellectual development.
  • Flaxseed Oil that provides Omega 3 and Omega 6 ,contributes to the maintenance of normal brain function and normal vision.
  • Vitamin C and E with great antioxidant effect, that protect the cells from oxidative stress and enhances the immune response.

  • Chew 1-2 pastilles daily with your main meal.
  • These pastilles are not meant to be swallowed.
  • Do not exceed the recommended daily dose.
  • Do not give to children under 4 years.

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