Vitae CalmTu * 30

Vitae CalmTu * 30

Lekë 1,400.00
Food supplement, calming anxiety states.

30 kapsula

CalmTu is a formula based on natural ingredients such as valerian, passionflower and California poppy that helps manage stress and contributes to relaxation in difficult moments. Thanks to its composition it has calming effects and no side effects for the body.
Active Ingredients:

  • Valerian : improves the sleep quality without side effects and reduces the time taken to fall asleep.
  • Passionflower: indicated to treat restlessness and irritability that often difficult the sleep induction.
  • California poppy: extract with anxiolytic effect that reduces the effects of nervousness and anxiety, helping to achieve a restful sleep.

Take one capsule 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

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