Yanola Os * 30

Yanola Os * 30

Lekë 2,850.00
Nutritional supplement to reduce menopausal symptoms and support bone health.

Vitaminë D, Vitaminë K, Isoflavone, Lecitinë, Fosfor, Boron, Mangan, Bakër, Zink, Selenium, COQ10.

30 tableta

Yanola Os is a nutritional supplement that reduces menopausal symptoms.

It provides:

  • Zinc can help women keep their immune system strong. ZINC may help prevent osteoporosis, help decrease bone loss & improve bone density in post-menopausal women.
  • Selenium & CO Q10- May be helpful in the prevention & treatment of migraines, hot flashes, mood swings & depression. Selenium and Co 010 work together to improve cell efficiency, is a type of antioxidant that helps protect the outer membrane (mitochondria) of sick cells, thereby making cells more efficient at releasing energy.
  • Magnesium plays an important role in over 300 enzymatic reactions within the body including the metabolism of food, synthesis of fatty acids & proteins & the transmission of nerve impulses. Magnesium deficiency, especially prevalent in older individuals, is linked to insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome, coronary heart disease & osteoporosis.
  • Isoflavones produce a 40% reduction in vasomotor symptoms, such as hot flashes and lower incidence of insomnia, depression, menopause’s musculoskeletal pains & vaginal dryness.
  • Vitamin K used with Vitamin D to help reduce osteoporosis by 25%. Benefits bone health, fracture risk, markers of bone formation resorption, cardiovascular health & cancer risk in post-menopausal women.
  • Ginger Root & Pine Bark associated with improvements in sings & symptoms of menopause including hot flashes, night sweats, irregular periods, loss of libido & vaginal dryness. PINE BARK (pycnogenol) normalizes elevated platelet activity & was shown in high risk individuals to prevent thrombosis.
  • Lecithin works to reverse & prevent damages that may arise from coronary artery disease, lowering levels of bad cholesterol & triglycerides, increase HDL, helps repair liver, protects arteries and aids memory.
  • Phosphorous, Boron, Copper & Manganese supporting hormonal parameters in post-menopausal women. MANGANESE is the preferred cofactor of enzymes called (glycosyltransferases) these enzymes are required for the synthesis of proteoglycons that are needed for the formation of healthy cartilage & bone.

Take 1 tablet per day.

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