Biogena Basogena-5 * 30

Biogena Basogena-5 * 30

Lekë 4,200.00
Selected mineral compounds of high basic potency.

Magnez, Kalium, Zink.

30 kapsula

Biogena Basogena® Kapseln contain selected base-forming mineral compounds for targeted short-term use or regular supplementation, and to support the electrolyte balance – especially in athletes.

  • Magnesium supports the electrolyte balance. 
  • Calcium contributes to normal neurotransmission. 
  • Potassium and Magnesium support the functioning of the nervous system and the normal muscle functions. 
  • The trace element Zinc contributes to a normal acid-base metabolism.

3 x 2 capsules daily taken outside mealtimes with plenty of liquid.

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