Biogena FiboChol * 30

Biogena FiboChol * 30

Lekë 5,030.00
The natural cholesterol management from the To-Go-Stick.

30 bustina

Healthy blood lipid values are a decisive factor in ensuring that our cardiovascular system runs like clockwork.

To keep the cholesterol level in balance, certain phytochemicals, the phytosterols, can be helpful. 

FiboCHOL® combines Phytosterols (VITASTEROL®), soluble dietary fibres from acacia fibre (FibregumTM) and gluten-free dietary fibres from oats, which also provide valuable beta-glucans. 

The composition is rounded off with calcium and artichoke juice powder, and the practical ready-to-go sticks make it easy to take with you when you are on the road.

Recommended dosage

  • Daily dissolve the content of one stick (4.1 g) stir into plenty of water (approx. 150-200 ml) and drink with a meal.

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