Biogena Nutrifem PMS * 60

Biogena Nutrifem PMS * 60

Lekë 5,160.00
Premium preparation for the hormonal balance of women.

60 kapsula

The female cycle is a monthly process that occurs up to 400 times in a woman's life. The entire cycle is characterized by hormonal changes, all of which affect a wide variety of physical levels and thus the well-being of women. Biogena Nutrifem P-M-S Formula® provides a well thought-out combination of vital substances and micronutrients to support the hormonal balance of women.

  • Monk's pepper ensures good health before and during menstruation
  • Vitamin B6 helps regulate hormonal activity
  • Magnesium, iron and vitamin B2 play a role in reducing fatigue and fatigue
  • Gingko supports mental performance
  • With plant extracts made from ginkgo biloba, pine bark (Pycnogenol®) and monk pepper for well-being and balance.

2 capsules daily taken with a meal and plenty of liquid.

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