Esi cranberry cyst proantocianidine bust pocket drink 40mg kt*16

Lekë 1,540.00
Cranberry supplements for urinary tract health.

Ekstrakti i Boronicës së Kuqe, Ekstraktet e Uva Ursinës dhe Vergës së Artë, Çaji Jeshil.

16 bustina-40 mg

This dietary supplement is made with titrated Cranberry, Bearberry, Goldenrod and Green Tea extracts. 
  • Cranberry helps to improve urinary tract function and gets rid of excess body liquids; additionally.
  • Bearberry and Goldenrod extracts promote the functionality of the urinary tract and the boost the body’s immune system.
  • Green Tea helps to get rid of excess fluids.
This is vegan, gluten-free, sweetened product.
1 pocket drink daily on a full stomach, by itself or diluted in some water.
For an extra strength effect, consume 2-3 pocket drinks a day.
Do not take during pregnancy and lactation.

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