Esi Cranberry Cyst Proantocianidine * 30
Lekë 1,420.00
Cranberry supplements for urinary tract health.
Ekstrakte Të Boronicës Së Kuqe, Ortosifon, Ekstrakte Të Uva Ursinës, Ekstrakte të Vergës Së Artë, Fara Të Qitros.
40 mg
This dietary supplement is made with Cranberry, Ortosiphon, Bearberry, Goldenrod and Grapefruit seed extracts.
- Cranberry and Orthosyphon extracts help the kidneys and urinary flow to function properly.
- Extracts of Uva Ursina and Goldenrod, help maintain a healthy urinary tract and protect the body from external agents.
- Citrus seeds stimulate the body's immune response, increase liver and kidney function and drain body fluids.
Take 2 tablets daily and plenty of water, preferably during meals.
Do not take during pregnancy and lactation.
Do not take during pregnancy and lactation.