Alta Natura Fer Vis Compresse Masticabili Orosoulubili * 20

Alta Natura Fer Vis Compresse Masticabili Orosoulubili * 20

Lekë 2,400.00

Alta Natura Fer Vis Compresse Masticabili Orosoulubili is an iron based supplement, that is indicated on iron deficiency cases at the adults or at pregnant women.

  • Folic Acid, prevents anemia and also protects the liver and also prevents birth defects.
  • Baobab extracts, is a good source of vitamins, especially Vitamin C, which has antioxidant effect and helps the better absorption of iron from the body.
  • Suprafer, is a combination of Iron, Vitamin C and Folic Acid.

  • Take 1 chewable tablet per day.
  • It is not necessary to use it with water.

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