Genante * 30

Genante * 30

Lekë 4,200.00
Nutritional supplement for couples that are trying for a baby.

Revifast, Acid Folik, Vitaminë D, Vitaminë B6 dhe B12.

30 tableta

Genante is a food supplement, that has been specially formulated to facilitate female fertility and promote conception.
Based on Folic Acid, vitamins B6, B12, D and Revifast (an extract of Polygon), it has an antioxidant action, thus counteracting premature cellular aging. It helps regulate hormonal activity and consequently the menstrual cycle. It promotes the growth of maternal tissues during pregnancy and intervenes in the process of correct cell division, in order to guarantee a safe and healthy gestation.

The special formulation guarantees the fetus the right supply of nutrients and helps to prepare the mother's organism to welcome the baby, but also to the subsequent stages of childbirth and breastfeeding. 

  • Folic Acid stimulates the formation of maternal tissues and the physiological synthesis of amino acids. 
  • Together with Vitamins B6 and B12 it promotes the correct metabolism of homocysteine, a sulfur amino acid which in excessive quantities could expose the mother and the unborn child to thrombosis risk. Folic acid also intervenes in the process of cell division, which is essential for the formation of the zygote and its transfer to the uterus. 
  • Combined with Vitamin D it improves the functions of the immune system, making it quicker to respond when needed. Vitamin D also guarantees a good absorption of phosphorus and calcium, essential for the health of the bones of the mother and her baby, but also to correctly convey the messages from the inside to the outside of the cells. 
  • Revifast, an extract of Polygonum cuspidatum (perennial plant with anti-inflammatory and vasorelaxant action), has antioxidant properties, improves the regularity of the menstrual cycle and the functionality of the cardiovascular system. Furthermore, it reduces the annoying sensation of fatigue and physical and mental fatigue, typical of the first months of gestation.

To obtain real benefits, the manufacturer recommends regular intake of the food supplement, in the amount of 2 tablets per day, one in the morning and the other in the evening, to be swallowed with plenty of water, preferably non-carbonated, or fruit juice.

Before taking, it is preferable to consult the instructions on the package leaflet and your gynecologist.

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