Sure Check Streamer Pregnancy Test
Sure Check Streamer Pregnancy Tests are accurate, simple and easy to use at any time of the day.
Sure Check pregnancy test is manufactured with special Colloidal Gold technology, which offers 99.9% accuracy from day one
of delayed menstruation.
The test is based on the detection of the pregnancy hormone HCG in the urine.
Sure Check tests are specially designed to be accurate, simple and easy to use!
1-Urinate in a clean plastic container (container), draw 3-4 drops with a pipette and discard the amount of urine to the cassette indicator.
2- Read the result after 3 minutes.
If you are pregnant , two red dashes will appear on the cassette indicator. If a line appears fainter than the other - this again indicates a positive result.
If you are not pregnant , a red line will appear on the tape indicator.