Yanola Pregna * 60

Yanola Pregna * 60

Lekë 3,380.00
Nutritional supplement to support women's health during pregnancy.

Vitaminë C, Vitaminë D, Vitaminë B kompleks, Vitaminë K, Selenium, Zink, DHA, Koenzimë Q 10, Probiotikë, Ekstrakt Xhinxheri.

30 tableta, 30 kapsula

Yanola Pregna is a food supplement to support female health during pregnancy.

  1. Vitamin C with antioxidant effect, strengthens the immune system and helps the normal absorption of iron. It also helps on the normal formation of the fetus.
  2. Vitamin K helps the normal coagulation of the blood.
  3. Zinc and Selenium with antioxidant effect, help the well-being of the immune system.
  4. Coenzyme Q 10 help the normal being of arterial pression.
  5. DHA has an important role on the normal formation of the nervous system of the fetus.
  6. Ginger extracts helps the prevention and reduction of nausesa.
  7. Probiotics reduce stomach acidity, prevents constipation and reduces the possibility of gestational diabetes.

-Take 1 capsule and 1 tablet at the same time per day with a lot of water.

-For better absorption it is recommended to be taken during the main meal.

-Do not exceed the recommended daily dose.

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