TwoBee Lipolow Plus * 20

TwoBee Lipolow Plus * 20

Lekë 2,000.00
A dietary supplement used to control cholesterol levels.

Monacolin K, Berberinë, Koenzimë Q10, Ekstrakt Shege, Ekstrakt Angjinare.

20 tableta

Lipolow Plus is a dietary supplement used to control cholesterol levels, which contains Monacolin K from fermented rice, Berberine, Coenzyme Q10, Pomegranate Extract and Artichoke.
Primary prevention of dyslipidemia in patients with elevated cholesterol levels.

  • Monacolin K contributes in the maintenance of normal blood cholesterol levels. This effect is achieved by taking a daily amount up to 10mg of preparations containing Monacolin K (equivalent to one Lipolow Plus tablet). 

Lipolow Plus is the only nutraceutical that has a peer-reviewed study on PubMED which confirms its efficiency on controlling cholesterol levels.


1 tablet per day, after dinner.

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