Vitabiotics Wellwoman 50+ *30

Vitabiotics Wellwoman 50+ *30

Lekë 1,500.00
Nutritional supplement for women over 50 years.

Ekstrakt i Xhinsenit Siberian, Ko-enzima Q10, L-Karnitine, Bioflavonoidet e Agrumeve, L-Metionine, Esteret e Luteinës, Fosfatidilkolina, L-Glutathione, Silikoni, Karotenoide, Vitamina A, Vitamina D, Vitamina E, Vitaminë C,Tiaminë,Riboflavina, Niacina ,Vitamina B6,Acidi Folik, VitaminaB12, Biotina, AcidiPantotenik, Hekuri, Zinku, Bakri,Mangani, Seleni, Krom,Jodi.

30 tableta

Wellwoman 50+ is a comprehensive formula with over 30 nutrients needed to meet the body needs of women over the age of 50.

  • The tablets are ideal for women over 50 with an active lifestyle, unlike other multivitamins have specific bio-active nutrients.
  • Contains iron that helps reduce fatigue and breakage.

It is advisable to take 1 tablet daily with your main meal.

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